Private Federal Reserve Seeking “Emergency Preparedness Specialist Familiar With DHS Directives”; Central Bank Preparing for Economic Collapse and Civil Unrest

The private Federal Reserve has issued a job solicitation for an “Emergency Preparedness Specialist familiar with DHS directives,” according to the official Fed Careers Twitter page. The solicitation comes at nearly the same time as a report from mid-December in which the Department of the Treasury requested survival kits for all 3,814 employees of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), raising speculation that the Federal government and the offshore Federal Reserve are preparing for economic collapse and the resulting social unrest.

The posting states that the individual will serve as the “coordinator in the Management Division (MGT Div.) for emergency preparedness, encompassing the development, coordination, and implementation of: unified planning, disaster preparedness, response and recovery, policies and procedures, emergency preparedness and exercise program training for Board staff, and coordination with other federal departments and local agencies…” The individual is also responsible for maintaining the Board s “Hazardous Materials Response Team (HMRT).”

The position requires, among other things, that the individual be a “recognized expert in emergency preparedness and has working knowledge of Department of Homeland Security directives.” They must also possess training and certification under National Incident Management Structure (NIMS) and FEMA/DHS Incident Command System (ICS), with certification to the Hazardous Materials Technician level with HazMat Safety Officer Certification desired.

As the Washington Free Beacon reported, the Department of the Treasury’s Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) requested survival kits for its employees. The OCC is an “independent” agency within the Treasury Department tasked the responsibility to charter, regulate and supervise all national banks, thrift institutions, and the federal branches of foreign banks inside the United States. Stephanie Collins, a spokesperson for the OCC, told the Free Beacon, “After September 11, 2001, emergency preparedness was ramped up to include providing simple survival kits throughout the government to employees working in large office buildings or other potential target areas. As the solicitation mentioned, the kits must also include a ‘reusable solar blanket’ 52 by 84 inches long, a 2,400-calorie food bar, ‘50 water purification tablets,’ a ‘dust mask,’ ‘one-size fits all poncho with hood,’ a rechargeable lantern with built-in radio, and an ‘Air-Aid emergency mask’ for protection against airborne viruses.”

Why does the “Federal” Reserve feel the need to hire an individual coordinate the agency’s disaster preparedness and emergency response plan? Why does the agency within the Treasury Department that conducts on-site investigations of banks feel the need to equip their employees with survival kits as they work in the field? It seems that the central bank and federal government are preparing for an economic collapse and the societal chaos that would emerge.