TSA Preparing to Arm Agents as VIPR Teams Expand Domestic Operations

Agency to Purchase 24 Million Rounds of .357 SIG “Duty” Ammunition 

The Transportation Safety Administration has solicited a request to purchase 24 million rounds of .357 SIG “Duty” ammunition over a five year period, according to a posting on FedBizOpps. The posting states the ammo will be used at “DHS component locations nationwide.”

The solicitation has made it clear the TSA seeks to arm its workers, as the union representing TSA workers previously signaled support of. David Borer, general counsel for the American Federation of Government Employees, told The Hill that TSA agents need to be armed because “our officers are verbally assaulted every day.” It should not be surprising that many Americans resent having their right to privacy violated, and their bodies groped, by the TSA every time they travel through an airport.

It should be noted that the solicitation was made under the auspices of the TSA, as opposed to some other agency within the Department of “Homeland” Security. This ammo purchase, combined with the TSA’s recent hiring of a local gun range near LaGuardia Airport in New York, lends support to the belief that the TSA intends to arm its workers. Currently a small number of Federal Air Marshals under the TSA’s jurisdiction (approximately 4000) are armed, primarily with the SIG Sauer P229 compact handgun chambered in .357 SIG. The large ammo purchase by the TSA would amount to 6000 rounds for every one Air Marshal, an unusually high number for agents who train to target the head and torso of suspects.

Just as Jesse Jackson called for last year, the TSA has expanded its operations outside airports to include train stations, subway stops, large public events and even on our highways. The TSA established Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) squads to “provide security and counterterrorism operations for all high-risk transportation targets,” according to agency Administrator John Pistole. In 2013, commuters at Union Station in New York were surprised to find armed VIPR squad members moving through the crowd with bomb-sniffing dogs, stopping random passengers to ask security questions.

For a time, the Amtrak Police Chief banned the VIPR teams from operating inside Amtrak stations, but eventually yielded after receiving pressure from the TSA and DHS.

Not limited to transportation hubs, VIPR teams were spotted patrolling Detroit’s Electronic Music Festival in 2012.

NFL fans at a game between the Packers and the Vikings in Minnesota in 2012 were treated to armed VIPR agents and a surveillance drone. Fans who attended the Super Bowl earlier this year were met with a dragnet of security consisting of VIPR agents, multiple layers of checkpoints and bag searches, NYPD gunboats and a low-flying helicopter.

Not content to violate the rights of Americans who travel by mass transit or attend large events, the TSA has expanded its VIPR teams to conduct “highway inspections.”

The TSA’s solicitation for 24 million rounds of .357 SIG ammo is especially concerning due to the fact it comes as the use of VIPR squads is expanded throughout the United States. It is clear the TSA intends to arm the remainder of its workers and expand their use to become a new domestic occupation force. The creation of a “Checkpoint State”, where citizens are stopped, searched and intimidated by federal VIPR teams is further evidence the United States is collapsing into a Soviet-style police state. The presumption of “innocence until proven guilty” will be abolished and the 4th amendment gutted.

The American people must realize that, as long as we tacitly condone the creation of a checkpoint-dominated police state, the globalists will never stop. If the majority of Americans continue to act like sheep, we will all be destroyed by the wolves. It’s time to defend our freedom, liberty and rights, and stand up to the Police State.

United States, Foreign Special Forces Train to Invade Tampa, Florida

Attempt to Prepare U.S. and Foreign Troops to Occupy American Cities and Acclimate the American People for Martial Law

Residents of Tampa, Florida watched outside the Tampa Convention Center Wednesday as U.S. Navy Seals and other special forces teams joined commandos from Belgium, Canada, Columbia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia. Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Jordan, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Poland and Thailand in drills.

The objective of the drill was to rescue Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn from an “enemy encampment” occupied by “jihadis.” A 14-man team inserted by inflatable boat joined a six-man SEAL team, six-man teams aboard helicopters, four snipers on the roof of Tampa General Hospital, and another 14-man team inserted by ground mobility vehicle.

The drill was held in conjunction with the annual Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC), an international conference featuring various industry representatives displaying equipment and speeches from top special operations commanders. Speakers at this year’s conference included United States Special Operations Commander Admiral William McRaven and Acquisition Executive James Geurts.

The local media went above and beyond trying to reassure residents that the sounds of gunshots and helicopters were only part of a drill. “If you see military helicopters flying over downtown Tampa next Tuesday, it’s not a sign that we are under attack by the Russians, the North Koreans or the New World Order,” said Howard Altman of The Tampa Tribune.

Drills such as this serve as opportunities to train foreign soldiers to operate jointly with American soldiers inside the United States. In 2010, Infowars.com reporters traveled to Chicago to document Operation Vigilant Shield, a joint exercise conducted by members of the U.S. Military (including National Guard troops federalized under the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act), Homeland Security, local police agencies, and the Polish and Latvian militaries. While it was claimed the foreign troops were only acting as “observers”, Infowars.com reporters documented Polish troops participating in a raid on what appeared to be a meth lab, but was described as a WMD facility. Numerous other activities have occurred in the last few years, including reports that Russian troops have provided “security” at major events. Drills such as these also prepare foreign troops to work alongside American troops to assist in gun confiscation and enforce martial law after the globalists collapse our country.

These drills also serve as opportunities to acclimate the American people to living in a state of martial law. On May 1st, 700WLW News confirmed reports that “Black-ops” helicopters from Fort Campbell were indeed flying over the Greater Cincinnati area. News reports from Broward County, Florida earlier this year describe residents expressing concern over large groups of darkened, low-flying helicopters conducting maneuvers, including storming a University building in Downtown Fort Lauderdale.

The Marine Corps Air and Ground Combat Center dispatched uniformed Marines to assist the California Highway Patrol in conducting sobriety checkpoints throughout San Bernardino County. In 2011, “Security Forces patrolmen” (Military Police) from Homestead Air Reserve Base, acting as a law enforcement agency in the small town of Homestead, Florida detained a suspect at a Circle K convenience store.

It is disturbing that so many Americans ignore the growing erosion of the Posse Comitatus Act, which prohibits the federal government from deploying the military to act as domestic law enforcement. An article from Army Times in 2008 reported the use of returning soldiers from Iraq to carry out “homeland patrols” to deal with civil unrest and crowd control.

As the military trains with foreign soldiers to occupy the United States, confiscate guns and enforce martial law, our local police departments are slowly being militarized to join the war against the American people and serve as the new domestic security force after the country collapses into civil war. The globalists’ plan to collapse the United States and create a civil war is not far off in the future, unless we all admit our country is occupied and stand up to the globalist technocrats who have hijacked our republic.

Police Across the United States Arming For War Against the American People

The Police Department of the small city of Neenah, Wisconsin has joined the ranks of police departments across the United States rapidly militarizing to prepare for war with the American people. The Neenah Police Department recently acquired a surplus Caiman multi-terrain, mine resistant vehicle from the federal government. According to the Associated Press, “police are working to dispel negative public perception of the military look of the 37,000-pound rig by highlighting what they say is a need for police to respond safely to dangerous situations.”

In an effort to alleviate the public’s fears about the vehicle’s potential ability to operate a machine gun from its gun turret, the leader of Neenah’s SWAT team, Lt. Jeff Malcore, said the vehicle’s turret has been removed. “We have no ability to shoot out of it,” Malcore said. “All it does is allow us to get from one place to another so we can deploy our people, or if there’s firing coming in, we can back up to a window or something to get people out.”

Other nearby communities that have or will receive similar vehicles include: Appleton, Eau Claire, La Crosse, Neenah and Stevens Point. In addition, the counties of Brown, Door, Portage and Waupaca will also receive trucks.

The nearby state of Indiana has become a major focus in the rapid militarization of domestic police departments across the United States. In an interview on Fox 59 entitled Armed for War: Pentagon surplus gives local police an edge, Sgt. Dan Downing of the Morgan County Sheriff’s Department justified his department’s acquisition of an Afghan War surplus Mine Resistant Vehicle (MRAP) by claiming returning veterans “have the ability and the knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.” He also claims that the level of violence seen today necessitates the need for police departments to acquire such vehicles, as well as surplus military-grade weapons.

Sgt. Downing went to on to explain how citizens approached the vehicle at gas stations as it drove up to Indiana from Mississippi, expressing their concerns that the militarization of police departments is being done for the purpose of preparing for mass gun confiscation and the conflict that would ultimately follow. “We were actually approached when we’d stop to get fuel by people wanting to know why we needed this…what were we going to use it for? Are you coming to take our guns away?” said Downing. “To come and take away their firearms…that absolutely is not the reason why we go this vehicle. We got this vehicle because of the need and because of increased violence that we have been facing over the last few years….I’ll be the last person to come and take anybody’s guns.”

Unfortunately, Sgt. Downing’s claim that violent crime is on the rise contradicts statistics that show crime rates have fallen drastically over the past two decades. According to an article in The New York Times, the rate of violent crime fell by 5.4% in the first six months of 2013 compared to 2012, with property crimes also falling significantly. “In the Midwest, violent crimes fell by 7.4 percent, in the South by 5.9, in the Northeast by 4.3 percent and in the West by 3.7 percent.”

The story out of Morgan County is not the only example of the militarization of domestic police departments to come out of Indiana recently. The small community of Michigan City, Indiana (population approximately 31,000) received its own MRAP, valued at $793,000, through the federal government’s 1033 Federal Surplus Program, as did the city of West Lafayette (population approximately 29,500). In addition, the Indiana National Guard recently purchased two military UH-72 Lakota helicopters to be used by local law enforcement and DHS to “aid in homeland security missions.”

It should be no surprise that Sgt. Downing considers returning veterans a threat; in April 2009, Homeland Security Secretary Janet “Big Sis” Napolitano defended an intelligence assessment that listed returning veterans and other “right-wing extremism” (Pro-Life and Anti-Illegal Immigration activists for example) among the terrorist risks to the United States. One month later, an article in The New York Times exposed Boy Scout Explorers being trained by DHS to kill “disgruntled Iraq war veterans” in a terrorism drill.

All across the country, we see local police departments being transforming into military forces to target those who oppose the take-over of the United States by the kleptocratic, eugenicist New World Order technocrats. In 2009, Infowars broke the story about a report distributed by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) describing supporters of Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and Chuck Baldwin as “militia” influenced terrorists. It also instructed Missouri police to be on the lookout for Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty and Libertarian-related paraphernalia.

In his film 9/11: The Road to Tyranny, Alex Jones featured footage from a symposium given by FEMA to firefighters in Kansas City, where the lecturer identified Christians, homeschoolers and the Founding Fathers as terrorists.

The average American does not understand that having local police departments converted into military forces with heavy weapons and armored vehicles is symbolic of scenes from authoritarian states like Communist China. Perhaps one of the clearest warnings of what we are facing came from former Marine Colonel Peter Martino, who served in Fallujah as a Ministry of Defense coordinator training the Iraqi Army. He went before a City Council meeting in Concord, New Hampshire to protest the town’s plan to acquire a BearCat armored vehicle. Colonel Martino stated that DHS was “pre-staging gear and equipment” in order to build a “domestic army…because the government is afraid of its own citizens.” “Concord is just one cog in the wheel – we’re building an army over here and I can’t believe that people aren’t seeing it – is everybody blind?”

Those who would call Colonel Martino’s warning paranoia need only examine comments made by Concord’s Police Chief in his application to DHS seeking $250,000 to purchase the BearCat armored vehicle, claiming it was needed to defend against Libertarians and Occupy activists in New Hampshire.

The American people must wake up immediately and realize that our country has been hijacked by a cabal of globalist technocrats, and those in power intend to collapse our country, cause a civil war that will be used to bring the homeland security grid online and bring in complete tyranny. Once one wakes up to this fact, there should be no debate about joining the fight to restore our republic.