Supposed July 4th Terror Threat Follows Attacks in France, Tunisia and Kuwait

As Americans across the country prepare to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of our nation, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security have issued a bulletin warning of a potential attack on law enforcement officers and the military during the holiday season.

“Particularly with the upcoming July 4th holiday, here in the United States the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI continue to communicate with state and local law enforcement about what we know and see,” Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson said in a statement. “We are encouraging all law enforcement to be vigilant and prepared. We will also adjust security measures, seen and unseen, as necessary to protect the American people.”

The terror alert bulletin comes on the heels of three separate terror attacks in France, Tunisia and Kuwait

In France, police arrested four individuals in connection to a brutal attack in which 35 year-old Yassin Salhi smashed his vehicle through the gate of the Air Products factory outside Lyon, France, hitting several gas canisters which caused an explosion. The married father of three then murdered his 54 year-old boss at the factory, chopped his head off, and pinned the severed head to the American-owned company’s factory gates. The man’s severed head was found with Arabic writing across the forehead surrounded by two flags bearing the Shahada, the profession of the Muslim faith.

In Port el Kantaoui, a popular beach resort outside Sousse, Tunisia, a gunman dressed in shorts opened fire on beach goers, as well as guests inside the nearby Imperial Marhada Hotel, killing at least 37 people and injuring 36 others. The gunman, a young student who was previously unknown to authorities, was shot dead by police.

In the capital of Kuwait, Kuwait City, a suicide bomber linked to the Islamic State (ISIS) struck worshipers attending a Shiite mosque, killing at least 27 people. Many view the attack in Kuwait as significant because it marks the first such terrorist attack in the predominately Sunni Gulf State in nearly twenty years.

The three terrorist attacks occurred after Abu Muhammad al-Adnan, a spokesperson for ISIS, released a statement calling on its followers to step up terror attacks during the on-going Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The message itself, however, did not mention the attacks in France, Tunisia or Kuwait specifically.

It is highly suspect that the FBI would release an extremely vague “terror alert” threatening law enforcement and the military in the United States, and claim the three terrorist attacks overseas had nothing to do with the alert’s release. Since 9/11, the United States government has used the supposed threat of terrorism to systematically erode our fundamental rights and develop a massive surveillance state, under the guise of “keeping us safe”. As Americans plan to commemorate the anniversary of the birth of our country this July 4th, it is sad to see how far our country has drifted away from what our Founding Fathers fought to create; it is sad to see the gradual erosion of the fundamental rights and freedoms the Founding Fathers risked their lives to pass on to us.

College Student to Jeb Bush: “Your brother created ISIS”; The True Story Behind the Rise of Al-Qaeda and ISIS Exposed

Ivy Ziedrich, a 19 year-old college Democrat and political science student at the University of Nevada, confronted presumptive Republican Presidential candidate Jeb Bush at an event in Reno about the rise of ISIS. After arguing that President Obama’s “withdrawal from the Middle East” was responsible for the rise of the terror group ISIS, Ziedrich argued, ““It was when 30,000 individuals who were part of the Iraqi military were forced out — they had no employment, they had no income, and they were left with access to all of the same arms and weapons….Your brother created ISIS.”

While Ziedrich’s initial statement placing blame for the rise of ISIS on the Bush administration is true, she does so only in the context of promoting Democratic party talking points; she chooses to ignore the Obama administration’s role in the creation, arming and funding of ISIS, as well as the long history of ISIS (aka Al-Qaeda) being used as a destabilizing force around the world.

The Saudi Arabian and Qatari governments, dominated by Wahhabist Sunnis, seek to spread their radical version of Islam across the Middle East and Africa, thus defeating their Shia Islam rivals, specifically Iran and Syria. Meanwhile, the Western global elite are playing both sides against each other in a game of divide-and-conquer to create a total Sunni/Shia civil war between Iran and proxy forces in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, and elsewhere. This is the stated clash of civilizations outlined in the Wolfowitz Doctrine, Brzezinski Doctrine and by former General Wesley Clark.

The Overthrow of the Ottoman Empire by the British Empire

As World War I raged in Europe, and to a lesser extent Asia, the British, in cooperation with France, Italy and Russia, worked to wrest control of the Middle East from the decaying Ottoman Empire. The story of the “Arab Revolt” was popularized by the story of Lawrence of Arabia, a British soldier who was sent to work with the Hashemite army of Arabs, who were led by members of a clan who would ultimately form the ruling families of Jordan, Iraq and Yemen.
The British also supported Ibn Saud, the leader of a Wahhabi sect in central and eastern Arabia who fought against the Ottoman Empire. In 1925, after receiving financial support and weapons from the British, Saud’s army captured the city of Mecca from Sharif Hussein bin Ali, ending nearly 700 years of Hashemite rule over the area now called Saudi Arabia. On September 23, 1932, Saud completed his military campaigns and proclaimed the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
With the complete collapse of the Ottoman Empire following World War I, the British and French drafted borders that ultimately created the states of Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait and Lebanon. With the discovery of oil in Saudi Arabia in 1938, and the large wealth it brought, Ibn Saud began exporting the Wahhabism across the Middle East and the world.

The Rise of Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan
With its puppet government facing collapse, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979. The CIA, working with Pakistan’s ISI and Saudi Arabia, organized a loose tribal confederation called the Mujaheddin to battle the Soviet army occupying the country. One of the primary financial backers from Saudi Arabia was a man named Osama Bin Laden.
After providing the Mujaheddin weapons, most importantly the Stinger surface-to-air missile, the Soviet army was forced to withdraw from Afghanistan. Bin Laden would form a base of operations in Afghanistan along with “Al-Qaeda”, a terrorist organization named after the computer file that contained the names of thousands of fighters who were recruited and trained to battle the Soviet army.
The joint CIA-ISI-Saudi Arabian collaboration would also give rise to the Taliban, a group consisting of veterans of Afghanistan’s six year civil war who would take control of most of the country in 1996. The Taliban embraced a radical branch of Wahhabism imported by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
To further provide proof of our involvement with Al-Qaeda, while our troops were fighting real Taliban fighters who refused to surrender, the Bush Administration “allowed” Pakistani Air Force cargo planes to take off from the Taliban-occupied city of Kunduz, carrying thousands of Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters, including top Al-Qaeda leadership, to safety in Pakistan.

The Occupation of Iraq
The United States and NATO have used Al-Qaeda to destabilize unflavored governments, primarily Islamic governments along the former Soviet Union, most notably in the break-away Russian region of Chechnya. The activities of Al-Qaeda linked and inspired organizations in Iraq contributed to calls for our continued presence in the country, along with the construction of military bases. Our covert collaboration with these organizations became clear when British soldiers were caught posing as radical Arabs shooting Iraqi civilians in the southern city of Basra in 2005.
Investigative Journalist Seymour Hersh wrote in 2007 that the Bush administration had aligned itself with radical Sunni elements across the Middle East, including Iraq, to undermine attempts by Shia Iran to dominate the Middle East. “Some of the core tactics of the redirection are not public, however. The clandestine operations have been kept secret, in some cases, by leaving the execution or funding to the Saudis, or by finding other ways to work around the normal congressional appropriations process, current and former officials close to the Administration said.”

Support for Al-Qaeda in Libya and Egypt
As the effort to overthrow Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 reached its peak, it became clear the United States and NATO were funding and arming paramilitary organizations that swore allegiance to Al-Qaeda and radical Wahhabism.
“The United States switched sides in the war on terror with what we did in Libya, knowingly facilitating the provision of weapons to known Al-Qaeda militias and figures,” Claire Lopez, a member of the Citizens Commission on Benghazi and a former CIA official told The Daily Mail, three years after the fall of Gaddafi and the deaths of over 30,000 Libyans. The country has now collapsed into a failed state with rival factions battling for control and Jihadi groups raising their flags in cities across the country. As ISIS continues to gain a foothold in Libya, thousands of Libyans are using human smuggling networks in an attempt to flee the country; European countries, lead by the United Kingdom, are drafting a resolution requesting the United Nations authorize military action against the smuggling networks inside Libya’s territorial waters, as well as harbors and ports along the coast.
The Egyptian government under than-President Hosni Mubarak, by refusing to support the overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya and the eventual gun-running operation run from Benghazi to “rebels” in Syria, earned itself a place in the globalist cross-hairs. After violent protests, Mubarak was overthrown by the Egyptian military, who begrudgingly allowed the Muslim Brotherhood and other Al-Qaeda linked groups to take power. The Muslim Brotherhood began moving the country away from the secular path followed by Mubarak and championed by the nation’s military towards a path dominated by radical Wahhabism; in response, the military swiftly overthrew the government under Mohammed Morsi and moved to shatter the Muslim Brotherhood, drawing condemnation from the United States.

Direct Collaboration with Al-Qaeda in Syria
While the “secret” CIA gun-running operation out of Benghazi to rebels, including Al-Qaeda affiliated groups, fighting to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad has come to light, the United States’ support for organizations like al-Nusra and ISIS (directly or through proxies) is already well known.
The New York Times reported in September, 2013, a 50-man cell of “rebels” trained and armed by the CIA in Jordan were to sneak across the border to begin fighting government forces in Syria. That same month, the United States announced it was providing lethal aid to “rebels” fighting in Syria. Bill Gertz, senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon, quoted an anonymous U.S. official who declared “we’ve come full circle from going after Al-Qaeda to indirectly backing Al-Qaeda.”

Using the ISIS Threat to Take Away Our Rights

As countries across the Middle East and North Africa are pushed into anarchy by the Western-created terror army ISIS, the threat, both real and perceived, will be used to justify the continued erosion of our freedoms and liberty. When Judicial Watch published a report claiming the existence of a pair of ISIS camps in Mexico, one bordering New Mexico and the other near El Paso, Texas, the mainstream media scoffed at the idea; the report, however, hearkens back to comments made by Texas Representative Ted Poe in August, 2014, in which he asserted there was indications that ISIS and Mexican drug cartels were “talking to each other.”

While the actual threat posed by ISIS is real, with online “hit-lists” detailing the names and other personal information of American military members being a regular occurrence, it will ultimately be reversed to further erode our Constitutional rights and demonize the globalists’ true enemy: Americans who support freedom, liberty, private property, and gun rights. Just as a story about an ISIS hit-list made the rounds in the mainstream media, another story about a separate hit-list came to light; this time, however, it was “right-wing extremists” who were responsible. By publishing both stories at the same time, the mainstream media hoped the American people would sub-consciously conflate them, connecting ISIS to anyone who opposes the “NWO”.

As the Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the NSA’s bulk, warrant-less collection of Americans’ phone records (Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act) illegal, a dubious ISIS message appeared online, threatening cyber attacks that would “frighten America.” It is certain more supposed threats will occur in the near future, as Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act is set to expire on June 1st.

The Plan to Tie Liberty-Lovers to ISIS Begins

Federal law enforcement officials are blaming “right-wing extremists” for apparently publishing online the home addresses of senior, and former, officials at the Department of Homeland Security, FBI and other federal agencies.

CBS correspondent Jeff Pegues reports (1) investigators became aware of the publication Tuesday.

“DHS has notified employees who were identified in the posting and encouraged them to be vigilant. DHS will adjust security measures, as appropriate, to protect our employees,” said Homeland Security spokeswoman Marsha Catron (2).

Investigators are pointing to an online posting that accompanied the addresses that referenced the NWO, an acronym thay refers to the New World Order. The posting, titled “DHS-CIA-FBI TRAITORS HOME ADDRESSES”, was accompanied by the following message:



The mainstream media has wasted no time linking the so-called “right-wing extremists” to ISIS. In the same article, CBS linked to a article from last month detailing an alleged ISIS online hit list that listed the names and personal information of 100 military personnel (3).

By referring to ISIS in the same article they refer to those who believe in a plan to create a totalitarian world government as “right-wing extremists”, the mainstream media is using psy-op tactics to compel the American people to view those who oppose the NWO the same as the Western-created terrorist group ISIS.




FCC Head Signals Intent to Vote on “Net Neutrality” in February

The head of the FCC, Tom Wheeler, told fellow Commissioners before Christmas that he intends to circulate a draft proposal of new “net neutrality” regulations, with the intention of having a final vote in February. The new draft proposal, the details of which have not been made public, follows a previous proposal by the FCC that collapsed following public outcry in mid-2014.

The FCC’s prior proposal would have allowed internet service providers to create “fast lanes” for companies that could afford the extra cost. Supporters of a free Internet argued the proposal gave internet service providers the ability to censor content they did not support, controlling internet speed to effectively censor such content. Public outcry, the level of which caused the FCC’s website to crash, was unprecedented according to Free Press President and CEO Craig Aaron. “In close to a decade of fighting for the open Internet, I’ve never seen more awareness and enthusiasm about this issue,” Aaron said. “Millions of Internet users have flooded the agency with support for real net neutrality. And almost no one outside FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s office is advocating for his pay-to-play proposal.” Several tech companies, including Netflix, Reddit, Mozilla, and Foursquare, joined together to participate in a national day of protest targeting cable companies who support the FCC’s proposal: Internet Slow-Down Day.

FCC spokesperson Kim Hart declined to comment on the details of Wheeler’s latest proposal, only confirming the FCC’s intent to vote in February. Republicans in Congress, seeking to preempt the FCC, have signaled their intent to introduce legislation on “net neutrality” when the new Congress convenes in January. One major piece of the proposed legislation would create a new section of the Communications Act, “Title X,” that would allow the head of the FCC to prevent internet service providers from blocking or slowing internet speed to certain websites, or charging content providers more to provide faster access for their customers. In return, however, the FCC would stop regulating net neutrality using “Title II” of the Communications Act. The prospect of giving more power to the FCC may dissuade many Conservatives, including Texas Senator Ted Cruz, from supporting the proposed legislation

Local Law Enforcement Continue to Receive Military Hardware; Recent Violence Used to Justify Militarization of Police

As racial provocateurs continue to use the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner to promote racial division and violence against police, local law enforcement agencies have used the threat of violence to justify the continued acquisition of military hardware from the Pentagon. Under the Pentagon’s 1033 Program, local law enforcement agencies have received everything from armored vehicles, assault rifles, ammo, body armor, and other surplus military gear. The Pentagon has shipped nearly $4.3 billion worth of military hardware since the inception of the 1033 program in 1997.

The Washington Times found that federal government has shipped nearly 4,000 more assault rifles to local law enforcement agencies in the three months following the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and the subsequent nationwide protests. The approximately 3,879 rifles shipped by the Pentagon dwarves the 12 rifles shipped during the same three-month period in 2013. Armored vehicles, which become a symbol of the militarization of local police during the protests in Ferguson, have become less popular; only 11 MRAPs (mine-resistant armored vehicles) were shipped in the three month period following the Ferguson protests, compared to 180 during the same period in 2013.

Many local jurisdictions caved under public pressure and returned some of the hardware they acquired from the Pentagon. In one of the most egregious cases, the Los Angeles Unified School Police decided to return three grenade launchers it received under the 1033 Program after public backlash. However, despite public outcry, they decided to keep the 61 M-16 rifles and MRAP they received.

Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) has signaled his intention to file legislation in 2015 to curb the Pentagon’s 1033 Program. The legislation, which was originally introduced by retiring Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, mimics a similar bill expected to be introduced by Democratic Representative Hank Johnson of Georgia. The future of the bills remain in doubt after previous hearings on the program collapsed immediately following the protests in Ferguson.

In an op-ed for Time Magazine, Senator Paul made it clear the American people should be greatly concerned about the militarization of local police. “When you couple this militarization of law enforcement with an erosion of civil liberties and due process that allows the police to become judge and jury—national security letters, no-knock searches, broad general warrants, pre-conviction forfeiture—we begin to have a very serious problem on our hands.”

Senator Paul’s fears, and the fears of many Americans, are wholly justified. In my first article, I covered the growing militarization of police and the federal government’s repeated attempts to train local law enforcement to view returning veterans, gun-owners, Constitutionalists, and Libertarians as the greatest threat to local communities. Most infamously, we are reminded of the intelligence assessment released in 2009 by then Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano that listed returning veterans as a security threat.

More recently, Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich of Spokane County in Oregon defended his department s acquisition of an MRAP after a deputy was heard on camera saying it was necessary because of a large number of “Constitutionalists” in the area.

Democrats on FEC Begin Campaign to Silence Dissent; Seek to Regulate Political Videos, Blogs, Drudge Report

In the latest attempt to silence online Libertarian and Conservative media outlets, the top Democrat on the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has called for new regulations on election-related internet videos, something the FEC has traditionally not involved itself in. In response, the Republican head of the FEC warned Democrats want to use the powers of the FEC to regulate online political sites, blogs, and even news media outlets like Drudge Report.

Vice Chairwoman Ann Ravel, who is poised to become the chair of the FEC in 2015, announced the beginning of a campaign to push, and ultimately pass, regulations on internet-based campaign videos. “A reexamination of the commission’s approach to the internet and other emerging technologies is long over due,” she said, noting that such videos are currently free from most current FEC regulations.

Republican FEC Chairman Lee Goodman told, “I have been warning that my Democratic colleagues were moving to regulate media generally and the Internet specifically for almost a year now. And today’s statement from Vice Chair Ravel confirms my warnings.”

In 2006, the FEC unanimously decided to leave almost all online political activity unregulated, except for paid political advertising. The regulation “protects Internet activities by individuals in all forms, including e-mailing, linking, blogging, or hosting a Web site,” said then FEC Chairman Michael Toner, a Republican.

The current situation, in stark comparison to the unanimous bi-partisan vote on the FEC back in 2006, stems from a case in December 2012 in which an organization ran pro-coal ads critical of Democrats. The group was accused of failing to report the cost of the videos and failing to include routine disclaimers in the videos. The case was dismissed after a 3-3 vote by the FEC last month after the pro-coal organization argued that, since the videos were posted on YouTube, they were exempt from FEC regulations.

Chairman Goodwin and his Republican colleagues warned that the 3-3 vote represented a “shift in course that could threaten the continued development of the Internet’s virtual free marketplace of political ideas and democratic debate.”

It should be noted that FEC Vice Chairwoman Ravel recently launched a tour of battleground states ahead of the 2014 Midterm Elections. The purpose of the “listening tour” entitled “The Future of Elections and Democracy”, according to Ravel, is to provide the public a chance to ask questions and express their concerns about campaign finance laws and the FEC. Claiming she will only listen, her public comments in opposition to the Citizens United Supreme Court case indicate the listening tour is in fact a deliberate campaign to galvanize Democratic voters ahead of the election; her decision to exclude the rest of her FEC colleagues lends further credence to that argument.

“What she is doing is totally inappropriate,” said former Republican FEC Commissioner Hans von Spakovsky. “I don’t think this is the way things should be done at the FEC, which can only operate when commissioners get together. . . . I don’t think money from the FEC budget should be spent allowing one commissioner to go around the country when other commissioners aren’t going with her.” A Washington lawyer familiar with FEC operations told National Review, “It’s unprecedented. I’ve never seen a commissioner do anything like this. It really looks bad.”

This is hardly the first attempt by Democrats on the FEC to target Conservative and Libertarian media organizations. Back in May, Goodwin warned of attempts by the Democratic members of the FEC to regulate media organizations like Sean Hannity and Drudge Report like PACs.

What Americans Should Fear More Than Ebola: Medically-Induced Martial Law

     As the world’s largest confirmed outbreak of Ebola continues to grow in western Africa, two American medical missionaries diagnosed with the virus are set to be transferred from Liberia back to the United States. The two missionaries will be brought to the United States aboard a customized Gulf-Stream Jet with a special tent designed to transfer patients with highly infectious diseases. After arriving in the United States, the patients will be transferred to a special isolation unit at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia; it should be noted that the special unit was set up in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), also based in Atlanta.

     Ebola is currently thought to spread person-to-person by means of exposure to an infected individual’s blood or bodily fluids (semen, sweat, urine, etc). Infected individuals experience severe flu-like symptoms, leading to rashes (caused by broken capillaries under the skin), vomiting of blood, coughing up blood, and bleeding from the gums and nose, ultimately leading to death in almost 90% of cases.

     While the prospect of a global pandemic caused by the current Ebola outbreak is enough to cause European and Asian nations to secure their borders to reduce the likelihood of the disease spreading, our Southern border lies completely open with infectious TB, Chickenpox, Swine Flu and other diseases crossing into the United States. As the west African nations at the epicenter of the outbreak agree to impose cross-border isolation zones, the United States government continues to bus, or fly, illegal immigrants anywhere they choose with minimal screening for potentially infectious diseases. In response to the question of whether or not Ebola could spread to the United States, CNN’s chief medical correspondent, Dr Sanjay Gupta, said “It’s going to happen at some point.”

     To the few Americans who pay attention to anything other than football or reality television, the concept of Ebola spreading to the United States is deeply concerning. However, there is something even scarier than an Ebola outbreak here in the United States: the Federal government’s probable response to such an outbreak, a medically-induced martial law.

     In the aftermath of September 11 and the subsequent anthrax-letter attacks, the Model State Emergency Powers Act was drafted. Since it’s drafting in 2001, it has been adopted in whole, or in part, by 33 states. The proposal, drafted by Lawrence O. Gostlin, a law professor who currently works for the World Health Organization attempting to create similar legislation for adoption by the WHO, was called, “an unprecedented assault on the Constitutional rights of the American people,” by Constitutional lawyer Phyllis Schlafly. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons worried the proposed legislation would, “turn Governors into dictators.”

     The Heritage Foundation, calling the legislation, “an assault on civil liberties in the name of Homeland Security,” outlined the following, in which State Governors, using expanded police powers, could:

1.) Force individuals suspected of harboring an “infectious disease” to undergo medical examinations.

2.) Track and share an individual’s personal health information, including genetic information.

3.) Force persons to be vaccinated, treated, or quarantined for infectious diseases.

4.) Mandate that all health care providers report all cases of persons who harbor any illness or health condition that may be caused by an epidemic or an infectious agent and might pose a “substantial risk” to a “significant number of people or cause a long-term disability.” (Note: Neither “substantial risk” nor “significant number” are defined in the draft.)

5.) Force pharmacists to report any unusual or any increased prescription rates that may be caused by epidemic diseases.

6.) Preempt existing state laws, rules and regulations, including those relating to privacy, medical licensure, and–this is key–property rights.

7.) Control public and private property during a public health emergency, including pharmaceutical manufacturing plants, nursing homes, other health care facilities, and communications devices.

8.) Mobilize all or any part of the “organized militia into service to the state to help enforce the state’s orders.”

9.) Ration firearms, explosives, food, fuel and alcoholic beverages, among other commodities.

10.) Impose fines and penalties to enforce their orders.

     In an attempt to placate those who claimed the proposed bill was too authoritarian, a revised drat was released that removed words like “control” and replaced them with words like “manage.” The same updated draft also extended the powers outlined above to local governments, in addition to state governments.

     Reports have emerged that the Centers for Disease Control have plans in place to quarantine Americans who may not actually be infected in the event of an outbreak of an infectious disease. According to the CDC, “quarantine is used to separate and restrict the movement of WELL persons who may have been exposed to a communicable disease to see if they become ill.”

     In addition, President Obama recently signed an Executive Order, entitled Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases, which amended a prior Executive Order signed by President Bush in 2003. The revised version replaced a sub-section of the original order, which referred only to the SARS virus; the new version now refers to, “severe acute respiratory syndromes, which are diseases that are associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, are capable of being transmitted from person to person, and that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or, upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not properly controlled.” Now, any American even suspected of “respiratory illness” can be unlawfully apprehended and detained by the authoritarian Federal government.

     Conceivably, in the event of a massive outbreak of a highly infectious disease like Ebola, the Federal government could claim that EVERY American had been exposed to the virus and begin forcibly “quarantining” the American people. An massive pandemic is just one of the many false-flags the globalists could use to collapse our country and implement martial law. University of Texas Biology Professor Eric Pianka endorsed the eradication of 90% of the global population by an airborne version of Ebola in a speech in 2006. No matter which false-flag the globalists ultimately decide to use, their goal remains the same: the complete collapse and occupation of the United States, an authoritarian Eugenics-based global government with nearly 90% of the global population dead.

Treason: America’s Borders Destroyed by Design

Orchestrated Collapse of the United States’ Southern Border Part of a Larger Agenda to Destroy Our National Sovereignty, Create A New Class Subservient to a Socialist-Style Tyranny

     America has reached a historical crossroads; the globalist elite are attempting to destroy our Republic by destroying our national sovereignty to push the United States into The North American Union, with a population completely subservient to (and dependent on) the government. The crony capitalists who comprise the shadow power elite that control most governments and economic systems (including the United States) have made it very clear they want a homogenized, poor population that can be exploited for their labor and who will serve as subservient puppets to the Socialist-style government they seek to enact globally.

     In the last 30 years, beginning with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, we have seen a large influx of illegal immigrants come to the United States and ultimately be legalized (IE granted amnesty). Now, there are attempts to legalize the between 20-30 million illegal immigrants currently in the United States. President Obama, after authoring an Executive Order, directed the Department of “Homeland Security” to halt nearly all deportations of illegal immigrants, in effect granting them de-facto amnesty as Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) said earlier this year. In addition, he honored several “DREAMERS” (IE children who came to the United States illegally and who qualified for the President’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program, which ended any deportation proceedings against them) at a ceremony at the White House earlier this month. Both of these policies were designed to create a massive influx of illegal immigrants with the expectation they would be granted amnesty as well. It also helps when a gate on the United States – Mexico border is left open and unguarded for hours.

     The phony-liberal media decries America as evil, demands completely open borders, encourages the government to provide everyone coming to the United States illegally with taxpayer-funded assistance, smears anyone who opposes those ideas as hateful and racist, and insists that Obama’s imperial actions to halt nearly all deportations is not responsible for the mass exodus across our southern border. At the same time, phony-conservative media decry the situation as terrible, acknowledge Obama’s actions are responsible, and “suggest” we pass amnesty immediately to stop it (though that will only encourage it). 

     The real media have been correctly reporting that it is a coordinated plan to implode our border, swamp Southern and Western States so badly it creates a crisis that necessitates federal intervention, and use the crisis as an excuse to bring in more levels of control and force passage of the Immigration Control Act, which supposedly provides a path of citizenship for those in the country illegally (despite the fact they are already being legalized by fiat). 

     Mexico, and nearly all of the countries in Central America and the Caribbean, are in complete socioeconomic free-fall, with growing levels of poverty and out-of-control crime. To those residing in those nations, America (as bad as we are economically due to the globalist-created depression) is seen as a lifeboat. But because of how bad we are now, if the country is forced to accept millions of poor, unskilled people with little education, or single mothers with children who will almost certainly receive some form of government welfare, the country will eventually go bankrupt.

     It must be noted that causing the bankruptcy of the United States through the implosion of the welfare system is part of the Cloward-Piven strategy from the 1960s, which called for the implosion of the welfare system to bring in complete Socialism. History has taught us that Socialism and Communism do not work for the general public; it does, however, benefit the ruling class as nearly all of the crony capitalists have drafted laws exempting themselves from the collectivization, regulations and taxes they intend to force on the rest of us. A prime example of which is the ruling French Socialist Government, who pay virtually no taxes and have secret Swiss bank accounts, all the while promoting a tax rate of nearly 75% to destroy the French middle/upper-middle class.

     After being detained for some time, nearly every illegal immigrant is given a summons to appear in court, and released into the United States to where they claim to have family. Reports from southern Texas show that Border Patrol has paid (using tax-payer money) to provide bus tickets and vouchers to send illegal immigrants deeper into the United States, according to the emergency management coordinator in McAllen, Texas. In regards to the court summons, a report from The Washington Examiner showed that over 90% of those illegal immigrants would not go to court.

     What we are seeing occur today is treason of the highest level. Following those revelations last Wednesday, an ICE whistle-blower confirmed last Friday that drug-resistant TB and other communicable diseases were coming across the border. Those facts were confirmed when Breitbart documented a confirmed case of an unaccompanied minor diagnosed with Swine Flu in San Antonio. Doctor Marc Siegel, a Fox News contributor, said a “public health crisis” is emerging because many illegal immigrants are carrying diseases across the border. Doctor Elizabeth Lee Vilet, a nationally recognized speaker, admonished those attempting to downplay the severity of the situation. “So once the flu bug, TB, or any infectious disease is released–once they are brought across the border–they’re just going to keep infecting more people. One person can infect a thousand people, and then that thousand can infect thousands more. There is an exponential increase. It could get out of hand very quickly; but since these are common disease that people have heard of, the risk isn’t necessarily taken seriously.”

     As my prior blog article demonstrated, many illegal immigrants with documented gang affiliation are also being released into the United States because they have no criminal record here. Other reports contend that the new jobs for Border Patrol agents include changing diapers and heating baby formula, leading many agents to feel like they are “hired help” (IE butlers and maids). Situations like this are leading many members of Border Patrol to seek alternative employment.

     In a telling demonstration that this massive influx of illegal immigrants was pre-planned, the Federal government posted a bid request to deal with the child immigrant surge BACK IN JANUARY. The posting on, entitled Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children, reads:

ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] is seeking the services of a responsible vendor that shares the philosophy of treating all UAC with dignity and respect, while adhering to standard operating procedures and policies that allow for an effective, efficient, and incident free transport. The Contractor shall provide unarmed escort staff, including management, supervision, manpower, training, certifications, licenses, drug testing, equipment, and supplies necessary to provide on-demand escort services for non-criminal/non-delinquent unaccompanied alien children ages infant to 17 years of age, seven (7) days a week, 365 days a year. Transport will be required for either category of UAC or individual juveniles, to include both male and female juveniles. There will be approximately 65,000 UAC in total: 25% local ground transport, 25% via ICE charter and 50% via commercial air.

     If the establishment is able to get away with this, the sky is the limit. This is the end of our country, to be replaced with the squalor and tyranny of The North American Union if we do not speak up and say NO. 

New Jersey DCF Threaten to Take Away Child After Pencil-Twirling Incident

New Jersey DCF Threaten to Take Away Child After Pencil-Twirling Incident

State-Sponsored Kidnapping If Father Does Not Submit Child for Additional Psychological Exam

Ethan Chaplin, a seventh-grade student at Glen Meadow Middle School in Vernon, New Jersey, thought his troubles were after an incident in April, in which a classmate accused him of twirling his pencil “like a gun.” “He’s making gun motions, send him to juvie!” the student exclaimed, after which Ethan was immediately sent to the principal’s office, threatened with suspension from school with the caveat he submit to a psychological examination.

When questioned following the incident, Vernon Superintendent Charles Maranzano defended the principal’s actions, suggesting Ethan may have been plotting a violent incident at the school. We never know what’s percolating in the minds of children,” Maranzano said. “And when they demonstrate behaviors that raise red flags, we must do our duty.”

Speaking to, Michael Chaplin, Ethan’s father, detailed the horrific ordeal his son endured during the five-hour long physical and psychological examination. “The child was stripped, had to give blood samples (which caused him to pass out) and urine samples for of all things drug testing,” Michael said. “Then four hours later a social worker spoke to him for five minutes and cleared him. Then an actual doctor came in and said the state was 100 percent incorrect in their procedure and this would not get him back in school.”

After intense media scrutiny, school officials backed off – but New Jersey’s Department of Child Protection and Permanency and Department of Children and Families have not. Despite receiving a letter from Superintendent Maranzano saying no disciplinary actions would be taken against Ethan, Michael received a letter from DCF stating Ethan “was harmed or placed at risk of harm.”

“I received a letter from them saying that they had found an incident of abuse or neglect regarding Ethan because I refused to take him for psychological evaluation,” Michael told

Ignoring the five-hour exam Ethan already endured, the state is demanding Michael submit his son for more testing or “they are will terminate his parental rights and free Ethan up for adoption.”

Ethan’s story is but one case of the thought police targeting children for completely innocent behavior. It also continues the recent trend of cases involving students being suspended from school for having items that resemble the shape of a gun.

A seven-year old elementary school student in Anne Arundel County, Maryland was suspended from school for biting a “Pop-Tart” in to the shape of a gun.

A six-year old elementary school student in Palmer, Massachusetts was given detention and forced to write an apology letter for bringing a Lego gun, about the size of a quarter, on his school bus.

A fifth grader from Columbus, Ohio was suspended for three days after shaping his fingers like a gun.

Earlier this year, an eleven-year old boy in Chicago was interrogated without parental consent and suspended from school for accidentally bringing a plastic toy gun to school.

Back in 2013, a cowboy-style cap gun got a five-year old boy suspended for ten days from an elementary school in Calvert County. The student wet his pants after being interrogated for over two hours before his mother was called.

Law Enforcement Officers On Power Trips Treat Americans Like Trash

Law Enforcement Officers On Power Trips Treat Americans Like Trash

Militarized Domestic Law Enforcement Training to Dehumanize the American People in Preparation For Total Police State Tyranny

     All too frequently, we hear stories in the media about law enforcement “officials” (not public servants) on power trips assaulting, and in many cases killing, people throughout the country. The latest story comes from Oakland California, where a school security officer was caught on camera beating a special needs student in a wheelchair, later dumping him on the floor.

     According to a letter from Oakland High School Principal Matin Abdel-Qawi, a student in a wheelchair lingered in the hallway as two security officers were rushing students to class. The student, identified as Francisco Martinez, was directed by Officer Marchell Mitchell, a 23-year old substitute school resource officer, to go to class. Martinez, who has cerebral palsy, either did not comply or was “slow to do so,” according to Abdel-Qawi. Mitchell grabbed the handles of Martinez’s wheelchair and began pushing him to class, prompting Martinez to slap Mitchell’s hand’s away.

     The incident escalated further, according to the letter. “In response, the security officer handcuffed the student and continued to roll him toward class. At this point, the student turned around in his wheelchair and spat in the face of the [security officer]. The security officer then struck the student several times before dumping him from his wheelchair onto the floor, at which time another security officer intervened to restrain his partner.”

     Mitchell was arrested and charged with felony assault, child abuse and other charges. “He slapped me. He hit me so hard, it threw me out of my chair. I hit the floor with my chin first. I had a scar right here,” Martinez told KTVU. When he told Mitchell that he was in pain, Martinez claims Mitchell responded ” I don’t give a ***! I hope you don’t walk for two to three weeks.”

     That disgusting case of law enforcement brutality is just one of many recent cases across the United States. A Tulsa, Oklahoma School District police officer was placed on paid administrative leave after firing his weapon at a vehicle containing a pair of teenagers who were trying to get busy in the car while parked on school property. After being confronted by the officer, the teenagers attempted to flee in the car;, feeling “threatened”, the officer fired his weapon, striking the vehicle’s back left tire. According to TPS official Chris Payne, “We have really sound security. It would really be unwise to be doing anything after hours.”

     A SWAT team conducting a late night “no-knock” raid on an Atlanta, Georgia home critically injured a 19-month old boy after tossing a flash-bang grenade inside the child’s crib. The child’s mother, Alecia Phonesavanh, told Channel 2 her child is in a medically induced coma and suffers from severe burns. “It landed in his playpen and exploded on his pillow right in his face,” Phonesavanh said.

     Six police officers, including one patrol officer and five supervisors, in Cleveland, Ohio have been charged after firing more than one hundred rounds at two unarmed suspects after a high-speed chase.The nighttime chase supposedly ended on a schoolyard after officers fired over 100 rounds at the vehicle, when Officer Michael Brelo mounted the hood of the vehicle and fired at least 15 shots, five of which were fatal, through the windshield at the two suspects inside. Cuyohoga  County prosecutor Tim McGinty cited a United States Supreme Court case this week that said police can not fire on suspects after a public safety threat has ended. “This was now a stop-and-shoot — no longer a chase-and-shoot,” McGinty said. “The law does not allow for a stop-and-shoot.” The driver of the vehicle was shot 23 times while the passenger was shot 24 times. No gun was found in the suspect’s vehicle.

     The family of 65-year old veteran Jonathan Montano have filed a lawsuit claiming VA police stomped on his head and neck, causing him to suffer a stroke and die several weeks later. In May 2011, Montano grew frustrated after waiting several hours for dialysis treatment at the Loma Linda VA facility. Claiming he would rather get treatment at the Long Beach VA facility instead, his wife left to retrieve their car.

     “The summoned VA Police Department police officers then stopped Jonathan Montano from leaving the VA Hospital in Loma Linda, by tackling him to the floor, slamming his head on the floor, and kneeing and stomping on his neck, and otherwise brutalizing and restraining him,” reads the lawsuit. When Ms. Montano returned to find her husband, she was told by hospital officials that her husband had suffered a stroke after falling. A nurse at the facility later took Ms. Montano aside and told her that her husband had not fallen, but was tackled to the ground by VA police. Montano died several weeks later.

     The dehumanization of the American people, combined with the continued militarization of domestic law enforcement agencies, serve to condition law enforcement to act when the United States collapses, leading to martial law and the rise of a globalist-dominated police state.