Burger King’s Move to Canada Funded By Crony-Capitalist Warren Buffett

“Competition is a sin…” – John Rockefeller

The fast-food chain Burger King is making a bid to purchase Canadian-based doughnut chain Tim Hortons in order to relocate from the United States to Canada. Burger King’s inversion transaction is being funded by none other than billionaire globalist Warren Buffett. 3G Capitol, the majority shareholder in Burger King pushing for the deal, is a private equity firm headed by Brazil’s richest man, Jorge Paulo Lemann; Buffett previously working with 3G Capitol in their ultimately successful bid to purchase H.J. Heinz.

While many in the “Progressive” media are outraged over Burger King’s plan to leave the United States to escape our high corporate tax rate, and specifically Warren Buffett’s role in the process, it must be noted: this is what crony-capitalists like Buffett do. Buffett, together with fellow globalist George Soros, helped kill the Keystone XL Pipeline so Canadian oil would not flow to the United States, reducing our oil prices. Rather, it would be shipped by rail lines owned by Buffett to ports on the Canadian Pacific coast for shipment by supertanker to Asia.

The question: How do crony-capitalists make money – by controlling federal and state regulators to make themselves exempt and shut down their competition. General Electric, which paid no federal taxes in 2010, continues to operate, and profit from, their coal-fired power plants while President Obama’s EPA has used incredibly strict carbon emission regulations to shut down many other plants across the country. How was this allowed to happen – because GE was the first company to receive an exemption from the carbon emission standards, as GE’s CEO Jeffrey Immelt led Obama’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.

As the IRS reduces the number of its white-collar investigators to its lowest level since the 1970s, the IRS continues its plan to target blue-collar individuals and organizations that are considered enemies of the government: Libertarians, Conservatives, Constitutionalists, and the Tea Party.

Using their billions, crony-capitalists like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are funding organizations that promote gun control, abortion, and Battleground Texas.

Drums of War Beating as Obama Plans to Attack Syria; CFR and State Department Say Syria’s Permission Not Needed For Strikes

President Obama has authorized manned and unmanned surveillance flights over Syria as he is reportedly in the final stages of planning to directly attack ISIS targets inside Syria. As the likelihood of airstrikes by the United States increases, the Syrian government has made it clear any attempts to enter Syrian airspace without permission will be viewed as an attack. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem, speaking in Damascus, said, “any strike which is not coordinated with the government will be considered an aggression.”

The Council on Foreign Relations, a globalist think-tank that issues directives to the State Department on foreign policy related issues, has asserted that it not necessary for the United States to worry about violating Syria’s sovereignty. Writing on the CFR’s blog, Senior Fellow for Defense Policy Janine Davidson wrote, “For a start, since Assad has demonstrated he is unable to govern and keep the peace within Syria, the United States need not validate the regime’s legitimacy by acknowledging Assad’s threat that ‘Any strike which is not coordinated with the government will be considered as aggression’.”

At the same time, State Department spokesperson Marie Harf also blamed the Syrian government for the rise of ISIS. “It is because the Syrian regime has allowed them to flourish that ISIS or ISIL is what it is today. They are directly responsible for the growth of this terrorist group,” she said

It must be noted that the Syrian government, while never a perfect Democratic state, is unable to “govern and keep peace” in Syria because the United States, NATO, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have used the rebels (including ISIS) to wage a proxy war against President Bashar al-Assad. Not just content to sit on the sidelines and allow ISIS to de-stabilize Syria, the United States military and the CIA trained and armed ISIS in neighboring Jordan. After the dubious chemical weapons attack in Syria, which later proved to have been launched by the rebels to serve as a casus belli for American airstrikes, the globalists have been looking for some excuse to serve as justification for military action; the video depicting the beheading of American journalist Jim Foley appears to be that excuse.

On Monday, the State Department made it clear that the United States has no intention of seeking the Syrian government’s permission to launch airstrikes. State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki said, “I think when American lives are at stake, when we’re talking about defending our own interests, we’re not looking for the approval of the Syrian regime.”

Senator Warns of ISIS Plan to Blow Up an American City; False-Flag Attack Will Be Used to Justify an Attack On Syria

Senator Warns of ISIS Plan to Blow Up an American City; False-Flag Attack Will Be Used to Justify an Attack On Syria

Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma), the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, warned that the terrorist group ISIS (better known as Al-Qaeda) is developing a plan to “blow up” a major American city. Speaking to Fox 25 in Oklahoma City, Inhofe said ISIS is, “rapidly developing a method of blowing up a major U.S. city and people just can’t believe that’s happening.”

At the same time, an article from CBS Chicago described an apparent ISIS threat to attack the city of Chicago. Someone allegedly connected to the terrorist organization posted, on Twitter, a picture of the Old Republic Building with the words:

We are in your state
We are in your cities
We are in your streets

In response to the threats made by ISIS, and the beheading of American journalist James Foley, the Department of Homeland Security sent a bulletin to law enforcement agencies across the United States warning them to be “alert and aware” of ISIS. 

As the American people are warned of ISIS’ intent to blow up a major American city, our nation’s southern border is wide open. According to an article from Newsmax, former CIA officer Bob Baer told CNN that there are ISIS sleeper-cells already stationed inside the United States. “”I have been told with no uncertainty there are ISIS sleeper cells in this country,” he said.

Baer is not the only member of the intelligence community to suggest ISIS has taken advantage of our nation’s wide open southern border to smuggle fighters into the United States, Joshua Katz, an Army veteran and former CIA Operations Officer who served as Senior Policy Advisor to the Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, told Fox and Friends it is “very, very true” that ISIS terrorists may have crossed our southern border. “They’re going to do anything, and if that means working with cartels, if that means working with other enlisted groups in order to attack the homeland, they will do that.”

Katz’s comments came in response to comments made by Texas Governor Rick Perry at a Heritage Foundation event on Thursday, where he expressed his belief that ISIS have already crossed the border. “There is a very obvious and great concern that because of the condition of the border from the standpoint of it not being secure and us not knowing who is penetrating across that individuals from ISIS or other terrorist states could be, and I think there is a very real possibility they have already used that,” he said. Texas Representative Ted Poe, adding fuel to the fire, asserted that there is evidence that ISIS and Mexican drug cartels are “talking to each other.”

Just as 9/11 was a false-flag used to invade countries targeted by the globalist, begin the implementation of a universal surveillance grid, and set the narrative for the future imposition of martial law and the destruction of those deemed as “terrorists” by the government (veterans, gun-owners, Libertarians and Constitutionalists), so too will any future attack by ISIS. An attack on the scale being alluded to by Senator Inhofe would surely be used as a pretext to invade Syria to oust President Assad, and further restrict our Constitutional rights here in America. If the attack were to include a nuclear weapon (the only weapon capable of “blowing up” an American city), the globalists would use the crisis that would ensue to implement martial law and crush their opponents.

What Americans Should Fear More Than Ebola: Medically-Induced Martial Law

     As the world’s largest confirmed outbreak of Ebola continues to grow in western Africa, two American medical missionaries diagnosed with the virus are set to be transferred from Liberia back to the United States. The two missionaries will be brought to the United States aboard a customized Gulf-Stream Jet with a special tent designed to transfer patients with highly infectious diseases. After arriving in the United States, the patients will be transferred to a special isolation unit at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia; it should be noted that the special unit was set up in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), also based in Atlanta.

     Ebola is currently thought to spread person-to-person by means of exposure to an infected individual’s blood or bodily fluids (semen, sweat, urine, etc). Infected individuals experience severe flu-like symptoms, leading to rashes (caused by broken capillaries under the skin), vomiting of blood, coughing up blood, and bleeding from the gums and nose, ultimately leading to death in almost 90% of cases.

     While the prospect of a global pandemic caused by the current Ebola outbreak is enough to cause European and Asian nations to secure their borders to reduce the likelihood of the disease spreading, our Southern border lies completely open with infectious TB, Chickenpox, Swine Flu and other diseases crossing into the United States. As the west African nations at the epicenter of the outbreak agree to impose cross-border isolation zones, the United States government continues to bus, or fly, illegal immigrants anywhere they choose with minimal screening for potentially infectious diseases. In response to the question of whether or not Ebola could spread to the United States, CNN’s chief medical correspondent, Dr Sanjay Gupta, said “It’s going to happen at some point.”

     To the few Americans who pay attention to anything other than football or reality television, the concept of Ebola spreading to the United States is deeply concerning. However, there is something even scarier than an Ebola outbreak here in the United States: the Federal government’s probable response to such an outbreak, a medically-induced martial law.

     In the aftermath of September 11 and the subsequent anthrax-letter attacks, the Model State Emergency Powers Act was drafted. Since it’s drafting in 2001, it has been adopted in whole, or in part, by 33 states. The proposal, drafted by Lawrence O. Gostlin, a law professor who currently works for the World Health Organization attempting to create similar legislation for adoption by the WHO, was called, “an unprecedented assault on the Constitutional rights of the American people,” by Constitutional lawyer Phyllis Schlafly. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons worried the proposed legislation would, “turn Governors into dictators.”

     The Heritage Foundation, calling the legislation, “an assault on civil liberties in the name of Homeland Security,” outlined the following, in which State Governors, using expanded police powers, could:

1.) Force individuals suspected of harboring an “infectious disease” to undergo medical examinations.

2.) Track and share an individual’s personal health information, including genetic information.

3.) Force persons to be vaccinated, treated, or quarantined for infectious diseases.

4.) Mandate that all health care providers report all cases of persons who harbor any illness or health condition that may be caused by an epidemic or an infectious agent and might pose a “substantial risk” to a “significant number of people or cause a long-term disability.” (Note: Neither “substantial risk” nor “significant number” are defined in the draft.)

5.) Force pharmacists to report any unusual or any increased prescription rates that may be caused by epidemic diseases.

6.) Preempt existing state laws, rules and regulations, including those relating to privacy, medical licensure, and–this is key–property rights.

7.) Control public and private property during a public health emergency, including pharmaceutical manufacturing plants, nursing homes, other health care facilities, and communications devices.

8.) Mobilize all or any part of the “organized militia into service to the state to help enforce the state’s orders.”

9.) Ration firearms, explosives, food, fuel and alcoholic beverages, among other commodities.

10.) Impose fines and penalties to enforce their orders.

     In an attempt to placate those who claimed the proposed bill was too authoritarian, a revised drat was released that removed words like “control” and replaced them with words like “manage.” The same updated draft also extended the powers outlined above to local governments, in addition to state governments.

     Reports have emerged that the Centers for Disease Control have plans in place to quarantine Americans who may not actually be infected in the event of an outbreak of an infectious disease. According to the CDC, “quarantine is used to separate and restrict the movement of WELL persons who may have been exposed to a communicable disease to see if they become ill.”

     In addition, President Obama recently signed an Executive Order, entitled Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases, which amended a prior Executive Order signed by President Bush in 2003. The revised version replaced a sub-section of the original order, which referred only to the SARS virus; the new version now refers to, “severe acute respiratory syndromes, which are diseases that are associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, are capable of being transmitted from person to person, and that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or, upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not properly controlled.” Now, any American even suspected of “respiratory illness” can be unlawfully apprehended and detained by the authoritarian Federal government.

     Conceivably, in the event of a massive outbreak of a highly infectious disease like Ebola, the Federal government could claim that EVERY American had been exposed to the virus and begin forcibly “quarantining” the American people. An massive pandemic is just one of the many false-flags the globalists could use to collapse our country and implement martial law. University of Texas Biology Professor Eric Pianka endorsed the eradication of 90% of the global population by an airborne version of Ebola in a speech in 2006. No matter which false-flag the globalists ultimately decide to use, their goal remains the same: the complete collapse and occupation of the United States, an authoritarian Eugenics-based global government with nearly 90% of the global population dead.