New Jersey DCF Threaten to Take Away Child After Pencil-Twirling Incident

New Jersey DCF Threaten to Take Away Child After Pencil-Twirling Incident

State-Sponsored Kidnapping If Father Does Not Submit Child for Additional Psychological Exam

Ethan Chaplin, a seventh-grade student at Glen Meadow Middle School in Vernon, New Jersey, thought his troubles were after an incident in April, in which a classmate accused him of twirling his pencil “like a gun.” “He’s making gun motions, send him to juvie!” the student exclaimed, after which Ethan was immediately sent to the principal’s office, threatened with suspension from school with the caveat he submit to a psychological examination.

When questioned following the incident, Vernon Superintendent Charles Maranzano defended the principal’s actions, suggesting Ethan may have been plotting a violent incident at the school. We never know what’s percolating in the minds of children,” Maranzano said. “And when they demonstrate behaviors that raise red flags, we must do our duty.”

Speaking to, Michael Chaplin, Ethan’s father, detailed the horrific ordeal his son endured during the five-hour long physical and psychological examination. “The child was stripped, had to give blood samples (which caused him to pass out) and urine samples for of all things drug testing,” Michael said. “Then four hours later a social worker spoke to him for five minutes and cleared him. Then an actual doctor came in and said the state was 100 percent incorrect in their procedure and this would not get him back in school.”

After intense media scrutiny, school officials backed off – but New Jersey’s Department of Child Protection and Permanency and Department of Children and Families have not. Despite receiving a letter from Superintendent Maranzano saying no disciplinary actions would be taken against Ethan, Michael received a letter from DCF stating Ethan “was harmed or placed at risk of harm.”

“I received a letter from them saying that they had found an incident of abuse or neglect regarding Ethan because I refused to take him for psychological evaluation,” Michael told

Ignoring the five-hour exam Ethan already endured, the state is demanding Michael submit his son for more testing or “they are will terminate his parental rights and free Ethan up for adoption.”

Ethan’s story is but one case of the thought police targeting children for completely innocent behavior. It also continues the recent trend of cases involving students being suspended from school for having items that resemble the shape of a gun.

A seven-year old elementary school student in Anne Arundel County, Maryland was suspended from school for biting a “Pop-Tart” in to the shape of a gun.

A six-year old elementary school student in Palmer, Massachusetts was given detention and forced to write an apology letter for bringing a Lego gun, about the size of a quarter, on his school bus.

A fifth grader from Columbus, Ohio was suspended for three days after shaping his fingers like a gun.

Earlier this year, an eleven-year old boy in Chicago was interrogated without parental consent and suspended from school for accidentally bringing a plastic toy gun to school.

Back in 2013, a cowboy-style cap gun got a five-year old boy suspended for ten days from an elementary school in Calvert County. The student wet his pants after being interrogated for over two hours before his mother was called.

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