Treason: America’s Borders Destroyed by Design

Orchestrated Collapse of the United States’ Southern Border Part of a Larger Agenda to Destroy Our National Sovereignty, Create A New Class Subservient to a Socialist-Style Tyranny

     America has reached a historical crossroads; the globalist elite are attempting to destroy our Republic by destroying our national sovereignty to push the United States into The North American Union, with a population completely subservient to (and dependent on) the government. The crony capitalists who comprise the shadow power elite that control most governments and economic systems (including the United States) have made it very clear they want a homogenized, poor population that can be exploited for their labor and who will serve as subservient puppets to the Socialist-style government they seek to enact globally.

     In the last 30 years, beginning with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, we have seen a large influx of illegal immigrants come to the United States and ultimately be legalized (IE granted amnesty). Now, there are attempts to legalize the between 20-30 million illegal immigrants currently in the United States. President Obama, after authoring an Executive Order, directed the Department of “Homeland Security” to halt nearly all deportations of illegal immigrants, in effect granting them de-facto amnesty as Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) said earlier this year. In addition, he honored several “DREAMERS” (IE children who came to the United States illegally and who qualified for the President’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program, which ended any deportation proceedings against them) at a ceremony at the White House earlier this month. Both of these policies were designed to create a massive influx of illegal immigrants with the expectation they would be granted amnesty as well. It also helps when a gate on the United States – Mexico border is left open and unguarded for hours.

     The phony-liberal media decries America as evil, demands completely open borders, encourages the government to provide everyone coming to the United States illegally with taxpayer-funded assistance, smears anyone who opposes those ideas as hateful and racist, and insists that Obama’s imperial actions to halt nearly all deportations is not responsible for the mass exodus across our southern border. At the same time, phony-conservative media decry the situation as terrible, acknowledge Obama’s actions are responsible, and “suggest” we pass amnesty immediately to stop it (though that will only encourage it). 

     The real media have been correctly reporting that it is a coordinated plan to implode our border, swamp Southern and Western States so badly it creates a crisis that necessitates federal intervention, and use the crisis as an excuse to bring in more levels of control and force passage of the Immigration Control Act, which supposedly provides a path of citizenship for those in the country illegally (despite the fact they are already being legalized by fiat). 

     Mexico, and nearly all of the countries in Central America and the Caribbean, are in complete socioeconomic free-fall, with growing levels of poverty and out-of-control crime. To those residing in those nations, America (as bad as we are economically due to the globalist-created depression) is seen as a lifeboat. But because of how bad we are now, if the country is forced to accept millions of poor, unskilled people with little education, or single mothers with children who will almost certainly receive some form of government welfare, the country will eventually go bankrupt.

     It must be noted that causing the bankruptcy of the United States through the implosion of the welfare system is part of the Cloward-Piven strategy from the 1960s, which called for the implosion of the welfare system to bring in complete Socialism. History has taught us that Socialism and Communism do not work for the general public; it does, however, benefit the ruling class as nearly all of the crony capitalists have drafted laws exempting themselves from the collectivization, regulations and taxes they intend to force on the rest of us. A prime example of which is the ruling French Socialist Government, who pay virtually no taxes and have secret Swiss bank accounts, all the while promoting a tax rate of nearly 75% to destroy the French middle/upper-middle class.

     After being detained for some time, nearly every illegal immigrant is given a summons to appear in court, and released into the United States to where they claim to have family. Reports from southern Texas show that Border Patrol has paid (using tax-payer money) to provide bus tickets and vouchers to send illegal immigrants deeper into the United States, according to the emergency management coordinator in McAllen, Texas. In regards to the court summons, a report from The Washington Examiner showed that over 90% of those illegal immigrants would not go to court.

     What we are seeing occur today is treason of the highest level. Following those revelations last Wednesday, an ICE whistle-blower confirmed last Friday that drug-resistant TB and other communicable diseases were coming across the border. Those facts were confirmed when Breitbart documented a confirmed case of an unaccompanied minor diagnosed with Swine Flu in San Antonio. Doctor Marc Siegel, a Fox News contributor, said a “public health crisis” is emerging because many illegal immigrants are carrying diseases across the border. Doctor Elizabeth Lee Vilet, a nationally recognized speaker, admonished those attempting to downplay the severity of the situation. “So once the flu bug, TB, or any infectious disease is released–once they are brought across the border–they’re just going to keep infecting more people. One person can infect a thousand people, and then that thousand can infect thousands more. There is an exponential increase. It could get out of hand very quickly; but since these are common disease that people have heard of, the risk isn’t necessarily taken seriously.”

     As my prior blog article demonstrated, many illegal immigrants with documented gang affiliation are also being released into the United States because they have no criminal record here. Other reports contend that the new jobs for Border Patrol agents include changing diapers and heating baby formula, leading many agents to feel like they are “hired help” (IE butlers and maids). Situations like this are leading many members of Border Patrol to seek alternative employment.

     In a telling demonstration that this massive influx of illegal immigrants was pre-planned, the Federal government posted a bid request to deal with the child immigrant surge BACK IN JANUARY. The posting on, entitled Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children, reads:

ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] is seeking the services of a responsible vendor that shares the philosophy of treating all UAC with dignity and respect, while adhering to standard operating procedures and policies that allow for an effective, efficient, and incident free transport. The Contractor shall provide unarmed escort staff, including management, supervision, manpower, training, certifications, licenses, drug testing, equipment, and supplies necessary to provide on-demand escort services for non-criminal/non-delinquent unaccompanied alien children ages infant to 17 years of age, seven (7) days a week, 365 days a year. Transport will be required for either category of UAC or individual juveniles, to include both male and female juveniles. There will be approximately 65,000 UAC in total: 25% local ground transport, 25% via ICE charter and 50% via commercial air.

     If the establishment is able to get away with this, the sky is the limit. This is the end of our country, to be replaced with the squalor and tyranny of The North American Union if we do not speak up and say NO. 

Rand Paul Files Legislation to Protect Guns, Ammo from Obama’s Operation Choke Point

Rand Paul Files Legislation to Protect Guns, Ammo from Obama’s Operation Choke Point

Obama Makes End Run Around the 2nd Amendment to Stop Banks From Doing Business With Firearm Retailers

     Kentucky Senator Rand Paul filed legislation on Thursday to amend the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for the 2015 budget to prevent any funds given to the Federal Deposit Insurance Commission (FDIC) or Department of Justice from targeting gun and ammunition companies.

     Specifically, Paul’s amendment (S.Amdt3359) to H.R.4660 would prohibit: “any action by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to classify the sale or manufacture of a firearm or ammunition as an activity involving risk; or any action by the Department of Justice to discourage the provision or continuation of credit or the processing of payments by any financial institution to a manufacturer, dealer, or importer of firearms or ammunition, based on the fact that the business is a manufacturer, dealer, or importer of firearms or ammunition.”

     According to The Daily Caller, a source from Senator Paul’s office said the amendment was in response to President Obama’s attempt to circumvent the 2nd amendment through Operation Choke Point.

     The FDIC, according to the blog Ammoland, “at the behest of Barack Obama, has declared that gun stores are ‘high risk’ businesses,” lumping them together with pornographers, sellers of drug paraphernalia, coin dealers, and payday lenders; approximately 30 industries in total have received the “high-risk” label from the FDIC. While officials at the FDIC previously attempted to place blame squarely at the DOJ, a House committee recently released documents showing cooperation between the DOJ and FDIC in Operation Choke Point.  

     The second phase of the administration’s plan, the “choke” in Operation Choke Point, involves choking off credit and other banking services for companies in the “high-risk” category. According to The Daily Caller, “fearing ‘reputational risk’, some banks have reportedly cut off ties with companies in such industries.” The owner of Powderhorn Outfitters, a a gun seller in Hyannis, Massachusetts, told The Daily Caller his longtime bank, TD Bank, refused to extend a line of credit because, he was told, “you sell guns.”

     Joe Wolverton, writing for The New American, highlighted the Obama administration’s use of extortion by the EPA to force a lead smelting facility in Missouri to close at the end of 2013. “Without ammunition, a gun is just a club. The government knows this, and in light of the ongoing project of arming federal agencies to the teeth with millions of rounds of ammunition and military-grade weapons and vehicles, the EPA’s closing of the Doe Run plant, although not a direct assault on the right to keep and bear arms, can be seen as another step toward civilian disarmament.”

     President Obama is well aware that a well-armed population is a fundamental threat to any actions taken by the globalists to occupy the United States. Whether it’s cutting off financial services to gun and ammunition companies and sellers, using the EPA to shut down lead smelting plants used to make ammo, or through legislation at the state and federal level designed to restrict gun ownership (a bill to do just that is under consideration in Massachusetts, read my previous blog entry), the Obama administration has launched an all-out assault on the 2nd Amendment. 

     Wolverton also wrote, “The means to this end are mounting: first, the flurry of executive orders unconstitutionally infringing on that right; second, the signing of a UN treaty explicitly calling for the disarmament of civilians, including the restriction on the purchase of ammunition; third, although the shutdown of domestic lead smelting capacity does not signal the end of domestic production of ammunition, it does indirectly force Americans to turn to fellow members of the unconstitutional sovereignty-stealing Trans-Pacific Partnership, as well as to communist China for a key component of ammunition manufacturing; fourth, and perhaps most effective in the short term, is Operation Choke Point and the corresponding financial freeze-out that is decimating the firearm and ammunition industries.”

     In a Question-and-Answer session on the website Tumblr, President Obama cited his failure to enact gun control legislation as the “biggest” frustration of his presidency. He also heaped praise on the severe gun control measures enacted by Australia, making numerous misleading and inaccurate facts about current gun laws in the United States. “But the idea that, for example, we couldn’t even get a background check bill in to make sure that if you’re going to buy a weapon you have to actually go through a fairly rigorous process so that we know who you are, so that you can’t just walk up to a store and buy a semiautomatic weapon – it makes no sense.”

     Of course, he conveniently ignores the fact that those engaged in the business of selling firearms are already required to possess a federal firearms license and conduct background checks on those who make purchases. 

     Australia’s strict gun control regulations were first enacted following a mass shooting in Port Arthur, Tasmania in 1996 in which a 28 year-old man shot and killed 35 people and wounded 23 others. Despite opposition from many state governments (including Tasmania), public outcry and coercion by the federal government led to the passing of the National Firearms Agreement (NFA).

     The NFA required individuals to have a “genuine reason” to own a firearm, declaring personal safety an invalid reason to possess a firearm. The NFA also compelled state governments to implement a complete on numerous specific types of firearms, including: self-loading center fire rifles, self-loading rim fire rifles (with a magazine greater than 10 rounds), self loading and pump action shotguns. Further, semi-auto rim fire rifles, semi auto and pump-action shotguns not subject to the ban were restricted to those possessing a category C license, limited them to “occupational purposes.”

     To implement the ban, the Australian government instituted a “buy-back” program (ie mandatory gun turn-in). Approximately 643,000 guns were turned in at the cost of almost $350 million.

     After a 2002 shooting at Monash university in Victoria, in which an international shot and killed two fellow students, the Australian government enacted the National Handguns Agreement (NHA), placing further restrictions on handguns by caliber, barrel length, and magazine capacity.

“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms” – Thomas Jefferson

“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery….I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” – Cesare Beccaria (Italian Criminologist)

“That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free State; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided, as dangerous to liberty.” – George Mason (Delegate from Virginia to Constitutional Convention, Drafted the Virginia Bill of Rights, which served as a basis for the U.S. Bill of Rights).

“I ask sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people except for a few politicians.” – George Mason

“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe.” – Noah Webster

“The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops.” – Noah Webster

“Americans have the right and advantage of being armed, unlike the people of other countries, whose leaders are afraid to trust them with arms.” – James Madison

“A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves … and include all men capable of bearing arms.” – Richard Henry Lee (American Statesman from Virginia)

“To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.” – Richard Henry Lee

Border Agents Desperate for Help Quit in Protest Over Catch-and-Release of Known Gang Members

Border Agents Desperate for Help Quit in Protest Over Catch-and-Release of Known Gang Members

Pleas for Help Ignored As Obama Administration Orchestrates Border Crisis

     A Texas news outlet is reporting Customs and Border Patrol Agents are resigning en-masse in protest over the agency’s practice of releasing minors known to be gang members from CBP custody.

     It does not matter if the minors have gang-related tattoos or even admit that they are gang members; so long as they do not have criminal records in the United States, they are processed like any other juvenile and released on the streets of the United States, a Border Patrol union representative told KRGV.

     “They are confirmed either by tattoos or by self admission. But since they have no criminal record in the United States, and they happen to be minors, they’re reunited with their family in the U.S.,” said Border Patrol Union Representative, Chris Cabrera.

     Cabrera told KRGV the practice of releasing most of those caught crossing the border illegally is testing the morale of his agents. “We all know that if you arrest and release, then the arrest is meaningless,” said Cabrera. He confirmed that some of his men are already looking for other jobs.

     When apprehended, most of the minors claim they are fleeing violence in their home countries and would be killed upon return. However, Cabrera notes that it is difficult to determine whether or not they are all telling the truth. “You ask them their name and where they’re from, they say that there is violence in my home country and they’ll kill me if you return me,” Cabrera stated. “I do believe there is violence in their home country, but I also believe that a lot of them have been coached.”

     As many new sources, including Breitbart and Infowars, have documented, the illegal immigrants currently housed by the federal government are being provided housing, food, education, health care (including costly medical procedures), recreation, vocational training, family unification and legal counseling. It has also been confirmed that Border Patrol and DHS are funding vouchers to transport many deeper into the United States.

The National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers echoed claims that the the massive influx of illegal immigrants is an orchestrated act by the Obama administration. “This is not a humanitarian crisis. It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault on the compassionate side of Americans by her political leaders that knowingly puts minor illegal alien children at risk for purely political purposes,” read a statement from NAFBPO.

     In an interview with The Washington Times, Maricopa, Arizona County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said, “The White House is incompetent and the dumping of illegals is intentional.”

     No one disputes that those who are crossing the border illegally are fleeing poverty in the collapsing countries of Central America. It should be clear to anyone that the Obama administration has purposely allowed this crisis along our border to explode into an all-out invasion of the United States by people fleeing failed states collapsed by the globalist elite. The Obama administration intends to grant complete amnesty to those arriving in the United States to create a solid bloc to vote for the authoritarian, phony-liberal policies of the globalist-occupied Democratic Party. It is disgusting that these women and children are being used to advance the globalists’ agenda to ultimately collapse the United States.

New Jersey DCF Threaten to Take Away Child After Pencil-Twirling Incident

New Jersey DCF Threaten to Take Away Child After Pencil-Twirling Incident

State-Sponsored Kidnapping If Father Does Not Submit Child for Additional Psychological Exam

Ethan Chaplin, a seventh-grade student at Glen Meadow Middle School in Vernon, New Jersey, thought his troubles were after an incident in April, in which a classmate accused him of twirling his pencil “like a gun.” “He’s making gun motions, send him to juvie!” the student exclaimed, after which Ethan was immediately sent to the principal’s office, threatened with suspension from school with the caveat he submit to a psychological examination.

When questioned following the incident, Vernon Superintendent Charles Maranzano defended the principal’s actions, suggesting Ethan may have been plotting a violent incident at the school. We never know what’s percolating in the minds of children,” Maranzano said. “And when they demonstrate behaviors that raise red flags, we must do our duty.”

Speaking to, Michael Chaplin, Ethan’s father, detailed the horrific ordeal his son endured during the five-hour long physical and psychological examination. “The child was stripped, had to give blood samples (which caused him to pass out) and urine samples for of all things drug testing,” Michael said. “Then four hours later a social worker spoke to him for five minutes and cleared him. Then an actual doctor came in and said the state was 100 percent incorrect in their procedure and this would not get him back in school.”

After intense media scrutiny, school officials backed off – but New Jersey’s Department of Child Protection and Permanency and Department of Children and Families have not. Despite receiving a letter from Superintendent Maranzano saying no disciplinary actions would be taken against Ethan, Michael received a letter from DCF stating Ethan “was harmed or placed at risk of harm.”

“I received a letter from them saying that they had found an incident of abuse or neglect regarding Ethan because I refused to take him for psychological evaluation,” Michael told

Ignoring the five-hour exam Ethan already endured, the state is demanding Michael submit his son for more testing or “they are will terminate his parental rights and free Ethan up for adoption.”

Ethan’s story is but one case of the thought police targeting children for completely innocent behavior. It also continues the recent trend of cases involving students being suspended from school for having items that resemble the shape of a gun.

A seven-year old elementary school student in Anne Arundel County, Maryland was suspended from school for biting a “Pop-Tart” in to the shape of a gun.

A six-year old elementary school student in Palmer, Massachusetts was given detention and forced to write an apology letter for bringing a Lego gun, about the size of a quarter, on his school bus.

A fifth grader from Columbus, Ohio was suspended for three days after shaping his fingers like a gun.

Earlier this year, an eleven-year old boy in Chicago was interrogated without parental consent and suspended from school for accidentally bringing a plastic toy gun to school.

Back in 2013, a cowboy-style cap gun got a five-year old boy suspended for ten days from an elementary school in Calvert County. The student wet his pants after being interrogated for over two hours before his mother was called.

Susan Rice Admits U.S. Providing Arms to “Vetted Moderate” Fighters in Syria

Susan Rice Admits U.S. Providing Arms to “Vetted Moderate” Fighters in Syria

Weapons are routinely transferred from “moderates” to Al-Qaeda affiliates

     National Security Advisor Susan Rice admitted on Friday that the United States is actively providing arms to the “moderate vetted opposition” fighting to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
     In response to the continued bloodshed in Syria – bloodshed caused directly by the joint U.S., Turkish, Saudi Arabian and Qatari effort to overthrow President al-Assad – Rice told CNN, “That’s why the United States has ramped up its support for the moderate vetted opposition, providing lethal and non-lethal support where we can to support both the civilian opposition and the military opposition.”
     Despite her admission, the Obama administration has thus far refused to provide more details about the lethal assistance provided. Traveling with President Obama to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, France, National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said, ““We’re not in a position to detail all of our assistance, but as we’ve made clear, we provide both military and non-military assistance to the opposition.”
     During his commencement address at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York, President Obama signaled his support for expanding support to groups who “offer the best alternative to terrorists and brutal dictators.” And more recently, reports suggest President Obama intends to authorize the deployment of “military advisors” to train “moderate” Syrian rebels. According to the Washington Times, “A Frontline documentary to air Tuesday night will air interviews with moderate Syrian rebels who say the U.S. is arranging for their training in Qatar, with sophisticated weapons and techniques.”
     The comments made by President Obama and Susan Rice tell us nothing we do not know already. In September, a spokesman for the Syrian Coalition opposing President al-Assad told Reuters they were already receiving weapons from the United States. The transfer of weapons came despite concerns reported by the Associated Press, which reported U.S. officials were “still grappling with what type and how much weaponry to send the opposition forces and how to ensure it stays out of the hands of extremists battling for control of Syria.”
     Concerns over weapons falling in to the hands of Al-Qaeda-linked fighters are truly valid concerns. A report from The Telegraph, quoting a report released by HIS Jane’s (a defense consultancy), estimated there were around 10,000 jihadists -including foreign fighters – fighting in Syria. Those radicals, combined with 30,000 “moderates” belonging to groups with “an Islamic character”, comprise almost 2/3 of those fighting to overthrow al-Assad.
     According to The Telegraph, rebel groups “best equipped to take on the extremists” were given millions of dollars in aid. These extremist organizations include al-Nusra, an organization known for summarily executing Syrian soldiers and beheading Christians.
Jamal Maarouf, founder of the Syrian Revolutionary Front (SRF), a collection of “moderate” fighters reported to have launched attacks on Al-Qaeda foreign fighter-dominated Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (ISIS), told The Independent the fight against Al-Qaeda was “not our problem” and admitted the fighters he leads conducts joint operations with al-Nusra. “While Maarouf maintains that their military supplies are too few to share, he cites the battle of Yabroud, against the regime, as an example of how his group shared weapons with Jabhat al-Nusra.”
     Susan Rice’s comments are a clear indication that the United States is arming the only viable fighting force in Syria – al-Nusra and other Al-Qaeda affiliates. While it is clear that some weapons are directed to the “moderate” forces in Syrian, their diminishing numbers combined with defections to more radical groups make it clear that some weapons transfers occur.
The ease of which weapons are able to move from “moderate” groups to Al-Qaeda-linked groups like al-Nusra should cause grave concern as President Obama signals his intention to deploy military advisors to train Syrian fighters to use sophisticated weapons, including man-portable surface-to-air missiles.

Law Enforcement Officers On Power Trips Treat Americans Like Trash

Law Enforcement Officers On Power Trips Treat Americans Like Trash

Militarized Domestic Law Enforcement Training to Dehumanize the American People in Preparation For Total Police State Tyranny

     All too frequently, we hear stories in the media about law enforcement “officials” (not public servants) on power trips assaulting, and in many cases killing, people throughout the country. The latest story comes from Oakland California, where a school security officer was caught on camera beating a special needs student in a wheelchair, later dumping him on the floor.

     According to a letter from Oakland High School Principal Matin Abdel-Qawi, a student in a wheelchair lingered in the hallway as two security officers were rushing students to class. The student, identified as Francisco Martinez, was directed by Officer Marchell Mitchell, a 23-year old substitute school resource officer, to go to class. Martinez, who has cerebral palsy, either did not comply or was “slow to do so,” according to Abdel-Qawi. Mitchell grabbed the handles of Martinez’s wheelchair and began pushing him to class, prompting Martinez to slap Mitchell’s hand’s away.

     The incident escalated further, according to the letter. “In response, the security officer handcuffed the student and continued to roll him toward class. At this point, the student turned around in his wheelchair and spat in the face of the [security officer]. The security officer then struck the student several times before dumping him from his wheelchair onto the floor, at which time another security officer intervened to restrain his partner.”

     Mitchell was arrested and charged with felony assault, child abuse and other charges. “He slapped me. He hit me so hard, it threw me out of my chair. I hit the floor with my chin first. I had a scar right here,” Martinez told KTVU. When he told Mitchell that he was in pain, Martinez claims Mitchell responded ” I don’t give a ***! I hope you don’t walk for two to three weeks.”

     That disgusting case of law enforcement brutality is just one of many recent cases across the United States. A Tulsa, Oklahoma School District police officer was placed on paid administrative leave after firing his weapon at a vehicle containing a pair of teenagers who were trying to get busy in the car while parked on school property. After being confronted by the officer, the teenagers attempted to flee in the car;, feeling “threatened”, the officer fired his weapon, striking the vehicle’s back left tire. According to TPS official Chris Payne, “We have really sound security. It would really be unwise to be doing anything after hours.”

     A SWAT team conducting a late night “no-knock” raid on an Atlanta, Georgia home critically injured a 19-month old boy after tossing a flash-bang grenade inside the child’s crib. The child’s mother, Alecia Phonesavanh, told Channel 2 her child is in a medically induced coma and suffers from severe burns. “It landed in his playpen and exploded on his pillow right in his face,” Phonesavanh said.

     Six police officers, including one patrol officer and five supervisors, in Cleveland, Ohio have been charged after firing more than one hundred rounds at two unarmed suspects after a high-speed chase.The nighttime chase supposedly ended on a schoolyard after officers fired over 100 rounds at the vehicle, when Officer Michael Brelo mounted the hood of the vehicle and fired at least 15 shots, five of which were fatal, through the windshield at the two suspects inside. Cuyohoga  County prosecutor Tim McGinty cited a United States Supreme Court case this week that said police can not fire on suspects after a public safety threat has ended. “This was now a stop-and-shoot — no longer a chase-and-shoot,” McGinty said. “The law does not allow for a stop-and-shoot.” The driver of the vehicle was shot 23 times while the passenger was shot 24 times. No gun was found in the suspect’s vehicle.

     The family of 65-year old veteran Jonathan Montano have filed a lawsuit claiming VA police stomped on his head and neck, causing him to suffer a stroke and die several weeks later. In May 2011, Montano grew frustrated after waiting several hours for dialysis treatment at the Loma Linda VA facility. Claiming he would rather get treatment at the Long Beach VA facility instead, his wife left to retrieve their car.

     “The summoned VA Police Department police officers then stopped Jonathan Montano from leaving the VA Hospital in Loma Linda, by tackling him to the floor, slamming his head on the floor, and kneeing and stomping on his neck, and otherwise brutalizing and restraining him,” reads the lawsuit. When Ms. Montano returned to find her husband, she was told by hospital officials that her husband had suffered a stroke after falling. A nurse at the facility later took Ms. Montano aside and told her that her husband had not fallen, but was tackled to the ground by VA police. Montano died several weeks later.

     The dehumanization of the American people, combined with the continued militarization of domestic law enforcement agencies, serve to condition law enforcement to act when the United States collapses, leading to martial law and the rise of a globalist-dominated police state.

“The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one world government combining Super-Capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.” – Congressman Larry P. McDonald (D-GA), served from 1975 until his presumed death in 1983 when Soviet fighters shot down Korean Airlines Flight 007.

“The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one world government combining Super-Capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.” – Congressman Larry P. McDonald (D-GA), served from 1975 until his presumed death in 1983 when Soviet fighters shot down Korean Airlines Flight 007.