United States, Foreign Special Forces Train to Invade Tampa, Florida

Attempt to Prepare U.S. and Foreign Troops to Occupy American Cities and Acclimate the American People for Martial Law

Residents of Tampa, Florida watched outside the Tampa Convention Center Wednesday as U.S. Navy Seals and other special forces teams joined commandos from Belgium, Canada, Columbia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia. Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Jordan, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Poland and Thailand in drills.

The objective of the drill was to rescue Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn from an “enemy encampment” occupied by “jihadis.” A 14-man team inserted by inflatable boat joined a six-man SEAL team, six-man teams aboard helicopters, four snipers on the roof of Tampa General Hospital, and another 14-man team inserted by ground mobility vehicle.

The drill was held in conjunction with the annual Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC), an international conference featuring various industry representatives displaying equipment and speeches from top special operations commanders. Speakers at this year’s conference included United States Special Operations Commander Admiral William McRaven and Acquisition Executive James Geurts.

The local media went above and beyond trying to reassure residents that the sounds of gunshots and helicopters were only part of a drill. “If you see military helicopters flying over downtown Tampa next Tuesday, it’s not a sign that we are under attack by the Russians, the North Koreans or the New World Order,” said Howard Altman of The Tampa Tribune.

Drills such as this serve as opportunities to train foreign soldiers to operate jointly with American soldiers inside the United States. In 2010, Infowars.com reporters traveled to Chicago to document Operation Vigilant Shield, a joint exercise conducted by members of the U.S. Military (including National Guard troops federalized under the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act), Homeland Security, local police agencies, and the Polish and Latvian militaries. While it was claimed the foreign troops were only acting as “observers”, Infowars.com reporters documented Polish troops participating in a raid on what appeared to be a meth lab, but was described as a WMD facility. Numerous other activities have occurred in the last few years, including reports that Russian troops have provided “security” at major events. Drills such as these also prepare foreign troops to work alongside American troops to assist in gun confiscation and enforce martial law after the globalists collapse our country.

These drills also serve as opportunities to acclimate the American people to living in a state of martial law. On May 1st, 700WLW News confirmed reports that “Black-ops” helicopters from Fort Campbell were indeed flying over the Greater Cincinnati area. News reports from Broward County, Florida earlier this year describe residents expressing concern over large groups of darkened, low-flying helicopters conducting maneuvers, including storming a University building in Downtown Fort Lauderdale.

The Marine Corps Air and Ground Combat Center dispatched uniformed Marines to assist the California Highway Patrol in conducting sobriety checkpoints throughout San Bernardino County. In 2011, “Security Forces patrolmen” (Military Police) from Homestead Air Reserve Base, acting as a law enforcement agency in the small town of Homestead, Florida detained a suspect at a Circle K convenience store.

It is disturbing that so many Americans ignore the growing erosion of the Posse Comitatus Act, which prohibits the federal government from deploying the military to act as domestic law enforcement. An article from Army Times in 2008 reported the use of returning soldiers from Iraq to carry out “homeland patrols” to deal with civil unrest and crowd control.

As the military trains with foreign soldiers to occupy the United States, confiscate guns and enforce martial law, our local police departments are slowly being militarized to join the war against the American people and serve as the new domestic security force after the country collapses into civil war. The globalists’ plan to collapse the United States and create a civil war is not far off in the future, unless we all admit our country is occupied and stand up to the globalist technocrats who have hijacked our republic.

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